Abstract Submission

Each participant is required to write an abstract about the paper for presentation purposed in this conference. The Abstract should then briefly describe the work and also give a concise summary of the findings. The abstract should not include diagrams and in general, references are not required in the abstract. It should consist of an Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion/ Recommendation. Systeme Internationale (SI) Units should be used. Use only standard abbreviations. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. Limit the number of words to 250.

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Publication of Abstract in JUMMEC

Abstracts accepted and presented in the APACPH-KL Early Career Global Public Health Conference will be published in the Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC) – Scopus Indexed Journal.


The Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC) was founded in 1996 and is an international journal dealing with all aspects of research in health and translational medicine. When JUMMEC (abbreviated for “Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre”) was first conceived, it was only publishing research findings that had been conducted in University of Malaya Medical Centre. Over the next few years, this journal grew in function and rapidly became popular amongst the local universities. It was not long thereafter that this journal began to gain interest by the international research community. In 2012, it was decided that a change in the journal name had to be made in order to reflect the international participation and the international contributions to this journal. However, we have never deviated from our primary aim, which is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, techniques, and information among all members of the medical health practitioners and scientists alike.

Topics covered include: All aspect of medicine, medical systems and management; surgical and medicinal procedures; epidemiological studies; surgery and procedures (of all tissues); resuscitation; biomechanics; rehabilitation; basic science of local and systemic response related to the medical sciences; fundamental research of all types provided it is related to medical sciences; cell, proteins and gene related research; all branches of medicine which may include (but not limited to) anaesthesia, radiology, surgery, orthopaedics, ortholaryngiology etc.

Regular features include original research papers; review articles; case reports; ideas and innovations detailing novel and effective solutions to surgical and medical problems; Reports on experiments; Basic science and fundamental research reports; book reviews; calendar of world-wide meetings.

To proceed with the submission guideline, please visit the JUMMEC Official Website.

Print ISSN:1823-7339
Publisher: Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya

Abstract Submission Due Date

28 February 2019

Abstract themes:

  • Health System and Policy
  • Epidemiology
  • Occupational & Environmental Health
  • Behavioral & Reproductive Health

Please include the following in your abstract:

  • Presentation title
  • Background/Purpose
  • Aim/Objective
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
Example of an abstract


Presenting Author’s Name (Surname with Initials)

Co-Author’s Name/s (Surname with Initials)

University / Institute, Country

E Mail / Contact Details


Background: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, an cum nominavi tincidunt, sea eu iisque forensibus concludaturque. Ut dicat eripuit his, alii conclusionemque at sed. Vix ne corpora invidunt, sumo malorum ponderum ea vix, quas eirmod honestatis cum cu. Mea te quem tacimates partiendo, ut eleifend definiebas eam. Facer neglegentur te his. Eu eum percipit explicari, eum in summo integre sadipscing. Usu id impetus ancillae deserunt, mel odio facer te, sit labitur delicata dissentias ex. Persius prompta vix ne, nec an facete disputando. Dicant nostrum perpetua te vel.

Aims: An agam inani percipit vim, vituperata cotidieque id. In vide choro has. Te usu alienum partiendo. Mandamus deseruisse ei duo. Mel inani scaevola honestatis eu. Ea alia hendrerit usu.

Methods: Graecis voluptaria omittantur ea, nominati forensibus necessitatibus ius at, et nonumy laoreet constituam quo. Nulla prodesset usu ex, te nam nulla veritus constituam. Facer verear ex cum, purto scriptorem vituperatoribus at est, ne vidisse saperet pro. Et pro tantas iriure timeam. Ullum dicam feugiat id has, et pri libris possit.

Results: Mea cu case latine efficiendi, vim mentitum salutatus, ut laoreet scripserit mea. Et eam harum consulatu. Ea vix nisl rebum epicuri, mutat noluisse democritum et duo. Pro an elit invenire eleifend, mucius ocurreret ea mei, eu usu hinc inciderint. Cum ne saepe comprehensam, quem omnis at vis.

Conclusion: His an solet discere convenire, eu his dolores omittam vivendum. Ne omnium salutatus cum, regione interpretaris ad nec. Ad qui idque oratio mentitum, id labore prompta sea. Inani utinam detracto quo at. Ut eos.

Keywords: dolores, mentitum salutatus, invenire eleifend

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